Event Recordings

IBA: Course Recommendations Recording
Thanks to everyone who came out to our Course Recommendations event! If you missed it, you can watch it using the link below:
*Log onto Zoom using your NYU account (use the SSO sign-on option with Duo Push) if you are redirected by your browser to sign on, and click on this link again to access the recording
You can log your attendance by using the link below:

IBA x WinC: Breaking into Tech Recording
Thanks to everyone who came out to our Internship Tips 101 Event! If you missed it, you can watch it using the link below:
*Log onto Zoom using your NYU account (use the SSO sign-on option with Duo Push) if you are redirected by your browser to sign on, and click on this link again to access the recording
You can log your attendance by using the link below:

IBA: Internship Tips 101
Thanks to everyone who came out to our Internship Tips 101 Event! If you missed it, you can watch it using the link below:
*Log onto Zoom using your NYU account (use the SSO sign-on option with Duo Push) if you are redirected by your browser to sign on, and click on this link again to access the recording
You can log your attendance by using the link below:

IBA: Applying to Jobs Outside the US Recording
Thanks to everyone who came out to our Applying to Jobs Outside the US event! If you missed it, you can watch it using the link below:
*Log onto Zoom using your NYU account (use the SSO sign-on option with Duo Push) if you are redirected by your browser to sign on, and click on this link again to access the recording
You can log your attendance by using the link below:

IBA Honest Talk: Investment Banking Panel Recording
Thanks to everyone who came out to our Investment Banking Honest Talk! If you missed it, you can watch it using the link below:
*Log onto Zoom using your NYU account (use the SSO sign-on option with Duo Push) if you are redirected by your browser to sign on, and click on this link again to access the recording

IBA: Interview Tips & Tricks Recording
Thanks to everyone who came out to our Mock Interview workshop! If you missed it, you can watch it using the link below:
*Log onto Zoom using your NYU account (use the SSO sign-on option with Duo Push) if you are redirected by your browser to sign on, and click on this link again to access the recording

IBA x OGS: Visa Sponsorship for International Students Recording
Thanks to everyone who came out to our Visa Sponsorship workshop! If you missed it, you can watch it using the link below:
*Log onto Zoom using your NYU account (use the SSO sign-on option with Duo Push) if you are redirected by your browser to sign on, and click on this link again to access the recording.
Once you’ve watched the recording, please log your attendance using this link:

IBA: Resume Workshop Recording
Thanks to everyone who came out to our Resume Workshop! If you missed it, you can watch it using the link below:
*Log onto Zoom using your NYU account (use the SSO sign-on option with Duo Push) if you are redirected by your browser to sign on, and click on this link again to access the recording.
Once you’ve watched the recording, please log your attendance using this link:

IBA: Spring Kick-Off Recording
Thanks to everyone who made it to our Spring Kick-Off event! If you missed it and would like to learn about our events, mentorship program, and the IBA team, you can watch it below:
*Log onto Zoom using your NYU account (use the SSO sign-on option with Duo Push) if you are redirected by your browser to sign on, and click on this link again to access the recording.
Once you’ve watched the recording, please log your attendance using this link:

IBA: Chill Panel Recording
Thank you to everyone who attended our panel! If you missed it, you can watch it below:

IBA x WinC: Bus/Tech Panel Recording
Thank you to everyone who attended our co-sponsored event with WinC! If you missed it, you can watch it below:
*Log onto Zoom using your NYU account (use the SSO sign-on option with Duo Push) if you are redirected by your browser to sign on, and click on this link again to access the recording.
Once you’ve watched the recording, please log your attendance using this link: https://bit.ly/2HeNnko

IBA x QFS x IAG x Pride Corp: Citi Panel Recording
Thank you to everyone who attended our co-sponsored event with QFS and IAG. If you missed it, you can watch it below:
*Log onto Zoom using your NYU account (use the SSO sign-on option with Duo Push) if you are redirected by your browser to sign on, and click on this link again to access the recording.
Once you’ve watched the recording, please log your attendance using this link: https://bit.ly/38FkZD7

IBA: Internship Tips 101 Recording
Thank you to everyone who attended our Internship Tips 101 workshop! If you missed it, you can watch it below:
*Log onto Zoom using your NYU account (use the SSO sign-on option with Duo Push) if you are redirected by your browser to sign on, and click on this link again to access the recording.
Once you’ve watched the recording, please log your attendance using this link: https://bit.ly/38szfiv

IBA x OGS: Visa / Sponsorship Panel Recording
Thank you to everyone who attended our co-sponsored event with OGS. If you missed it, you can watch it below:
*Log onto Zoom using your NYU account (use the SSO sign-on option with Duo Push) if you are redirected by your browser to sign on, and click on this link again to access the recording.
Once you’ve watched the recording, please log your attendance using this link:
Here is some information that was provided during the session!
Business Practicum Website:
SternTalks Registration Link:
https://nyu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_nb45MNJrSn-NxLKsto15vw uc.careers@stern.nyu.edu

IBA: Industry Overview Recording
Thank you to everyone who attended our Industry Overview event. If you missed it, you can watch it below:
*Log onto Zoom using your NYU account (use the SSO sign-on option with Duo Push) if you are redirected by your browser to sign on, and click on this link again to access the recording.
Once you’ve watched the recording, please log your attendance using this link: https://bit.ly/3jCDF8u

IBA: Midterm De-stress Recording
Missed our Midterm De-stress session? Don’t fret, we got our recording right here!
*Log onto Zoom using your NYU account (use the SSO sign-on option with Duo Push) if you are redirected by your browser to sign on, and click on this link again to access the recording.
Once you’ve watched the recording, please log your attendance using this link: https://bit.ly/3o6h9s6

IBA x SPEX: Future of Economics in the Face of COVID-19 Recording
Thank you to everyone who attended our collaborative event with SPEX. If you missed it, you can watch it below:
*Log onto Zoom using your NYU account (use the SSO sign-on option with Duo Push) if you are redirected by your browser to sign on, and click on this link again to access the recording.
Once you’ve watched the recording, please email iba@stern.nyu.edu so that we can mark your attendance!

IBA: Alumni Panel
Thank you to everyone who attended our Alumni Panel! If you missed it, you can watch it below:
*Log onto Zoom using your NYU account (use the SSO sign-on option with Duo Push) if you are redirected by your browser to sign on, and click on this link again to access the recording.
Once you’ve watched the recording, please log your attendance using this link: https://bit.ly/30C1Gpw
Please note, this attendance link will only be live until 10/08!

IBA: Resume Workshop
Thank you to everyone who attended our Resume Workshop! If you missed it, you can watch it below:
Zoom recording: https://nyu.zoom.us/rec/share/BnlQt-jp7cYIlTyC7hoVNQ3jjZZoKFBkrGWSep4wKYRaQOqPIQdXOvf8R1E3-8ks.f4f8zzHTwC5hg_ZK?startTime=1601397775000
*Log onto Zoom using your NYU account (use the SSO sign-on option with Duo Push) if you are redirected by your browser to sign on, and click on this link again to access the recording.
Here is the resume template that we utilized during our event: http://resume-videos-00.s3.amazonaws.com/University-Student-Investment-Banking-Resume-Template.pdf
Once you’ve watched the recording, please log your attendance using this link: https://bit.ly/2EILTgV
Please note, this attendance link will only be live until 10/01!

IBA: Mentorship Overview Recording
Thank you to everyone who attended our Mentorship overview! In this meeting we went over our flagship program and what it entails; no worries if you missed it, you can watch it using the link below!
Zoom Recording: https://nyu.zoom.us/rec/share/_lbIzTZK3_nHhMdIbFHiOfuazWHKjiXC2F1LSifGwrGnLJs2O6tw44rFD17onkUb.UN0F-iFrHahe0qpc
*Log onto Zoom using your NYU account if you are redirected by your browser to sign on, and click on this link again to access the recording.
Once you’ve watched the recording, please log your attendance using this link: https://bit.ly/3hTV8bB
Please note, this attendance link will only be live until 9/25!

IBA: Kick Off Recording
Thank you to everyone who attended our kick off event! Don’t worry if you were unable to attend the event, you can watch the Zoom recording here: https://nyu.zoom.us/rec/share/5nWv2J2PXFufLhsyhSCL2T9yHBPrLOFtw0GJ7ljfZIsCYizybhQVnuXtRTuFYDMf.KI4bz5VTg_HTxc5t?startTime=1600187855000
*Log onto Zoom using your NYU account if you are redirected by your browser to sign on, and click on this link again to access the recording.